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Re: Math, BLAS/LAPACK m4 checks

Adam C Powell IV <hazelsct@mit.edu> immo vero scripsit:

> BTW, I'd like to have my cxml package provide blas2 and/or lapack2, but 
> can't quite figure how to do that.  If I make symlinks from 
> /usr/lib/libblas2.so etc. then that's not a problem at build-time, but 
> what about runtime?  Do I need to symlink /usr/lib/libblas.so.2 to 
> libcxml.so?  In that case, will it conflict with blas and lapack?

You probably don't need to symlink /usr/lib/libblas2.so in your
development package.

It should be possible to provide libblas.so.2 symlink to 
libcxml.so, conflicting and providing blas2 (I think),
so that libcxml.so is used as a replacement for "real" libblas.so.2,
and magically all apps linked against libblas.so.2 will run with

I am not an expert on libblas interfaces, so I need to check a bit more.
But talking off the top of my head, it should be possible, 
if what you are talking is a blas compatible replacement.


dancer@debian.org : Junichi Uekawa   http://www.netfort.gr.jp/~dancer
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