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I try to compile the multiple sequence alignment editor Seaview by
Manolo Gouy. The archive contains several *.c files and some headers. 
According to the author of the program, it has to be linked to a library
called libforms.a. Unfortunately he does not have a Linux system, so he
could not help me in the Linux specific things. I did a succesful
compile about 1.5 years ago, but I cannot recall exatcly how I did it. 
In hamm there was a libform.a, which I used for linking and it did work.
My potato contains only a libform.so. Do I have to use the static lib?
Compiling of the single *.c files works fine, but during linking process
I always get a heap of error messages with "undefined references to"
whatever kind of (fl_get_menu_item, fl_set_menu_item_mode,
fl_redraw_object etc). I was told, that presumably a library does not
fit here.

I copied the Makefile of another program, exchanged the file
names and put in the compiler and linker flags:

# Compiler-Flags
CC = gcc -O3 -Wa,-m21164a -mieee -funroll-all-loops

# Libs
LIBS = -L./forms.h -L/usr/lib/libform.so.5 -L./seaview.h \
-L/usr/X11R6/lib/libX11.so -L/usr/local/lib/libffm.so -lm

# Compilierung von Seaview
seaview : align.o seaview.o load_seq.o use_mase_files.o comlines.o \
xfmatpt.o regions.o
	$(CC) -o $@ align.o seaview.o load_seq.o use_mase_files.o \
comlines.o xfmatpt.o regions.o $(LIBS)

# Object-Files
align.o : align.c
	$(CC) -c align.c
seaview.o : seaview.c
	$(CC) -c seaview.c
load_seq.o : load_seq.c
	$(CC) -c load_seq.c
use_mase_files.o : use_mase_files.c
	$(CC) -c use_mase_files.c
comlines.o : comlines.c
	$(CC) -c comlines.c
xfmatpt.o : xfmatpt.c
	$(CC) -c xfmatpt.c
regions.o : regions.c
	$(CC) -c regions.c

Did I do something completely stupid somewhere or where might the
problem be?

Thank you in advance,


Kerstin Hoef-Emden



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