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NFS ro/rw

I'm trying to set up nfs btwn my Multia w/ slink
(which is also my firewall) and my i386 with a RedHat6
clone (mandrake) on it. I have everything set up fine.
/etc/exports is:

/pc-x11		(rw,no_root_squash)

and I'm trying to mount as root, and have rw
permissions, this being mounted as /usr/X11R6
So, when copying files to the /usr/X11R6 (it _mounts_
fine -- `mount -t nfs /usr/X11R6') it
says `permission denied'. I've made sure rw is on, and
it's not root_squashing me... ANY ideas?? i need this
fixed by tomorrow (saturday)!
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