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Re: What do you think?

>>>>> "CCC" == Christopher C Chimelis <chris@classnet.med.miami.edu> writes:

    CCC> be run on stable kernel revs, which won't affect dpkg.  Those
    CCC> of us who run devel kernels can upgrade to the new patched
    CCC> versions of things, if need be, but I think release-wise,
    CCC> it's immaterial.

    CCC> I do think it would be nice, but recompiling everything could
    CCC> be a royal (and unnecessary) pain.

  Alright, I exaggerated :) Anything that relies on {l,}chown needs to
be recompiled, but that's basically only dpkg. Other things, like
fileutils, will likewise need to be recompiled, but that can be done
at our leisure. I doubt anyone will notice any other problems, even if
every other app remains broken.

    CCC> I suggest we aim for the next release to work this in.  By
    CCC> then, the new glibc will be included and we can (hopefully)
    CCC> get the patches upstream on both the kernel and glibc.

    CCC> Thoughts?

  The patches are in the 2.0 tree - we are going to kick ourselves
*mightily* if we don't make a point of distributing kernels that have
this fix in now. Anybody that installs a kernel that still has this
problem will have to go through an extra step before they can upgrade
to a 2.1 kernel smoothly. This step is non-obvious, and it's something 
that dpkg can't help with. We're going to get a lot more users once we 
release with a stable distribution, and we need to minimize the future 
pain. As it is, there's a reasonably manageable number of people out
there who will have to do the extra step one way or another.

  I think this is pretty important - anybody who is running a new
kernel, or an old one with this patch will have nothing further to
worry about, because we can upgrade everything they need upgraded
using the normal packaging mechanisms. They won't even notice when an
'apt-get upgrade' sucks down the new stuff.

  If they're running an old, unpatched kernel, they *will* notice -
because things will break :( Running a kernel without this patch is a
lose-lose situation - pulling down patched utilities will make the
utilities break, and installing a 2.1 kernel will make unpatched
utilities break. This 2.1 upgrade is going to be, frankly, a royal
PITA. I think we need to make the number of people affected as small
as possible.


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