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Re: Good Evening

On Sun, Jun 07, 1998 at 04:44:46AM +0200, James Ray Kinsella wrote:

> 	Has anyone had any luck installing Alpha Debian,
> under Digitial's Miata arch ?

Umm... let's see...

ftc@clockwork:/home/ftc > grep type /proc/cpuinfo
system type             : Miata
ftc@clockwork:/home/ftc > cat /etc/debian_version

Yes, seems like this is the case :)

> if so could you let me know how
> I go about it, information is a bit sketcy on the web sites

Well, the first thing to say is that I already had a working RedHat 4.1
system. Specifically, the fact that I already had a working milo and
kernel simplified the installation a lot.

Installing debian then was just a matter of getting the normal alpha resc,
drv and root disks, inserting the root disk, booting into milo, entering

boot sda7:vmlinux.gz root=/dev/fd0 load_ramdisk=1 rw
     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This was the location of my (already working) kernel

and then just smoothly following the debian installation.

If you don't have any linux on your machine yet (no linload.exe, no milo,
no kernel) first get from gatekeeper.dec.com


Then, if you've got a "Digital Personal Workstation xxxau" (where the "u"
means it also can boot Digital Unix), you first have to degrade it to a
simple "a", which means switching from the SRM console to AlphaBios. As I
don't have such a machine ("a" machines are cheaper and run Linux just as
well), I don't know what to do that...  but there should be something in
RedHat's axp-list-archives. I think I still have it somewhere, so ask
further if you need to. 

Proceed then according to the AlphaBIOS-HOWTO (install linload_1.5.exe and
milo in your "system partition", put MIATA.gz on a FAT formatted floppy,
set the right paths in the OS selection setup, insert the kernel floppy
and boot into milo. Enter

boot df0:MIATA.gz root=/dev/fd0 load_ramdisk=1 prompt_ramdisk=1 rw

wait a bit and insert the root disk when prompted by the kernel. Then,
the debian installation should work like on any other architecture.

Andreas Trottmann <andreas.trottmann@werft22.com>

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