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Re: Debian on DEC 3000

On Fri, 5 Dec 1997, Jerzy Kakol wrote:

> 1. The actual bootable disk in Alpha Station will be replaced with the 
>    actually empty disk from DEC 3000. Now I have monitor, keyboard and cdrom.
> 2. From the SRM console let's type the command of booting from CD. 
>    Question: is it possible? I.e.: does SRM console understand iso9660 
>    file system? If yes, then
> 3. Installing neccesary software from CD.
> 4. Disks are replaced back, the DEC's disk returns to its machine.

Sounds good :)

> 5. Smoke test. And next question: does alpha kernel properly recognize 
>    new hardware it will wake up with? Especially the network card which 
>    most important device in that case.

If the kernel was compiled with a driver for the card included, it
*should* recognise it on boot.  Just make sure to read the notes on the
driver in the kernel source to make sure autoprobing works properly, etc.
I have run into a few drivers that still require settings passed to them
before they'll recognise cards (ie autoprobing doesn't work), so be
careful of that.  In that case, though, most will work as modules (which
are much easier to deal with IMO).

Good luck :)


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