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AlphaPC164 ARC boot instructions

Hi all !!

In order to help in developing  the Debian Alpha nano-HOWTO into a
mini HOWTO some booting instructions for AlphaPC164 and ARC console.

In fact most of the instructions are form the Alpha Miniloader HOWTO

If you have the correct disks (PC164 in my case) the only difference
in the process is getting MILO to boot ...

ARC understands DOS filesystems and needs the linloade.exe file.
So you have to put milo and linload.exe on a DOS disk.

1) At the boot menu step into

  Supplementary menu.. 
          -> Set up the system
                   -> Manage boot selection menu...
                            -> Add a boot selection                                         
2) There you have to choose "Floppy Disk 0" as boot partition
  and choose linload.exe as osloader directory and name

3) Say "yes" to operating system and osloader being on the same

4) Enter "\" as os root directory
   Say "no" to initialize debugger at boot time.

5) Back in the "Boot selections menu" choose 
   "Change a boot selection"

6) Edit your new boot selection and set
   OSLOADFILENAME to your MILO image  e.g. "milo"

7) Save the changes you made.

Insert your MILO and loadlin.exe disk. Now you can boot MILO with your
newly created boot selection.
>From now on, everything should be fairly generic .... 

I was just curious if Debian/Alpha is installable without Redhat too
It looks pretty good until now. ..


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