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Does anyone have PPP working?

If anyone on this mailing list has successfully run PPP on Debian/Alpha, 
could you please post your software configuration? I have not been able
to set up a functional connection, and I have ruled out hardware or the
PPP server as the source of the problem.

My installation gets as far as assigning the local and remote IP
addresses, and configuring the ppp0 kernel interface, but no further.
(Funnily enough, the 'up' flag in the interface is not automatically
set, I have to do 'ifconfig ppp0 up'.) The routing table is not updated, 
and even when I manually set up the gateway and default routes, I cannot 
ping anything on the other end, even though ifconfig shows that some
kind of packets are being received -- control info, I imagine.
/var/log/messages lists some error having to do with 'SIGIOCADDRT' or
something like that.

installed software (all from the regular Debian/Alpha sites):

base1_3.tgz (August 8)
vmlinux-2.0.31 (October 6)

Ian Willmott
Northern Telecom
Ottawa Ontario

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