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At last I have installed the base system on my alpha station, but I want to
boot from SRM so I partition the disk as BSD, the problem is the when I boot, 
the debian process of installation don't start.  It mount the partition as read
only. I mounted again the partion as rw and now dselect works, but i have some
 The boot script in /etc/init.d aren't executed, and the swap partition isn't
activated. I think it's because when i do a df it sys to me than I only have
mounted the /proc. However I have the root directory. 
There is some solution to this problem?
How can linux work with  this kind os partitions?. Docimentation?

   --         TITO LOPEZ CIUDAD
        E-Mail: tito@jacob.icmm.csic.es
	Instituto de Ciencias de Materiales de Madrid (CSIC)
	Campus Catoblanco
	E-28049		Madrid.
	Tel. +34-91-334-90-00 Ext 130
	Tel. +34-91-372-14-20 Ext 130
	FAX: +34 91 3720623 

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