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Re: RFC 2244: ACAP -- Application Configuration Access Protocol

On 15 Dec 1997, Manoj Srivastava wrote:

> Hi,
> 	I think people on the list shall find this of interest.

Posix 1003.1h (currently at draft 3, "Services for Reliable, Available,
and Serviceable Systems") includes a configuration "filesystem"  interface
with mounting, mknoding, etc.
>From the draft (all misspellings are mine):
-- snip -- 
22.1 Configuration Space Operations

Configuration spaces are tree structured sets of nodes rooted at a
distinguished node. These configuration spaces provide a portable means
for applications to record and manipulate configuration data. The system
shall provide an implicit configuration space containing an implementation
defined set of nodes. Configuration spaces are considered active if they
can be acted upon by the configuration space functions. The implicit
configuration space is the initial active space provided by the system.

Nodes in a configuration space are identified by a pathname fron the
distinguished node of the active configuration space. Each node has the
following attributes: node type, access permissions, data value,
configuration space membership and a list of child nodes.

The purpose of the cfg family of functions is to provide a portable method
of traversing configuration space, and for manipulating the data content
of nodes in that configuration space. If {_POSIX_CFG} is defined, the
implementation shall support cfg_mount(), cfg_umount(), cfg_mknod(),
cfg_set(), cfg_get(), cfg_link(), cfg_unlink(), cfg_open(),
cfg_read(), cfg_children(), cfg_mark(), and cfg_close() as described

The configuration space routines shall not be limited by any pathname
length other than that imposed by available memory unless otherwise

Changes made to the configuration space after cfg_open() may cause
unspecified errors in any of the other routines. In these cases the
routines shall return a value indicating an error and the value of errno
shall be nonzero, but is otherwise unspecified.

-- snip -- 

There are some interesting things about this draft. For example, the mount
operation take a callback where the process mounting the configuration
space gets notified of any changes. Also there are ways to mark nodes in
certain ways to influence traversing.


 Alexander Kjeldaas, Guardian Networks AS, Trondheim, Norway

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