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Re: music123

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Thanks a lot for all these changes !

I'll look to the changes today.
Ludovic can the upstream version go to 16.1 (after I fix bug #239769)
and if so do we need two batch of upload ? A first one with 16.0-1 to
have a clear status with most of the changes to be bugs closing and a
16.1-1 version after with ada containers vectors (thanks to Nicolas) and
a fix for bug #239769 ?

PS:I CC the list where I first post since you answered to me only and I
listen to music with music123 16.0 and a half in the mean time :)

Nicolas Boulenguez a écrit :
>> There still some bugs to fix and some deep changes to do like going for
>> Ada.Containers.Vectors instead of local vector packages I think...
> Hi.
> I've done similar changes to libtexttools, so that was quick. I
> separated the revisions so that you can undo any change you would not
> like. All seems straightforward, though.
> I do not use music123 so you may want to test it a bit more than I
> did. Empty elements in Vectors can be tricky. They raise
> Constraint_Error without line indication…
> Note (or cosmetic bug report):
> Two error messages talk about ~/.music123 while the program tries to
> open ~/.music123rc. They should be corrected and translated, in my
> opinion, since some users may have a working config file.
> I consider this decision belongs to the maintainer.  Anyway, I do not
> known enough about i18n stuff to do it…
> Bye.

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