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Re: a11y: pulseaudio muted in squeeze by default

Halim Sahin, le Thu 30 Sep 2010 10:44:15 +0200, a écrit :
> 1. If pulse is installed make sure that it is not muted and provide a
> default asound configuration that the alsa apps can use pulse as
> default.

This must be directed to the pulseaudio package maintainer, we (a11y
maintainers) can't do anything about it.

> 2. if pulse isn't installed we should make sure that defauult audio
> output is set to alsa instead pulse for speechd.

This needs to be discussed with Milan: he explicitly dropped the alsa
fallback to avoid blocking other applications.

Also see Hynek's remarks:

“If we are to stay with 0.7, this commit needs to be applied:
which will prevent the issues related to audio fallback.”

The corresponding changelog is

commit 4b7c03605c754aa0b3f192c0385a30019ffecdef
Author: Hynek Hanke <hanke@brailcom.org>
Date:   Fri Aug 27 12:41:13 2010 +0200

    Disable audio fallback and use Pulse Audio by default
    Audio fallback is the right solution, but a prerequisite
    is proper freeing of resources when the given instance
    of server is not in an active session. Since this
    is currently not implemented, audio fallback leads
    to problems.
    Under the previous settings "pulse, alsa", if
    Speech Dispatcher is started in a session where
    Pulse is not available, it will open ALSA, thus
    preventing Pulse to start in all other sessions.
    This subsequently breaks all audio for all
    users although the session which blocks the
    device is actually not active.
    To prevent this, audio fallback is not used
    by default.
    Additionally, mention libao, which was missing.
    Reviewed-by: Christopher Brannon <cmbrannon79@gmail.com>

I think you mentioned that the libao output doesn't have such blocking
issue, Hynek, can you confirm this?  This will probably a good enough
reason for enabling libao support as fallback (which debian-release will
have to agree on).


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