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Re: Low-res X Working, Gnome Themes

On Sat, Aug 28, 2004 at 02:35:31AM +0300, Veli-Pekka Tatila wrote:
> Hi,
> Apart from telling this news, one query regarding Gnome:
> I'd like to heavily customize the colors and fonts used in Gnome to be as 
> optimal to me as possible. Real stark contrasts between different 
> foregrounds and backgrounds as well as certain minimalism in the Widgets 
> with no or very little eyecandy. I know what I want but now the problem is 
> how.
Once you have Gnome and probably gnopernicus up and running, go to
desktop preferences.  You can change Theme, font, and background from
there.  Gnome has themes designed to improve accessibility.  You might
find what you want already exists.  Also, you might be able to customize
an existing theme to get what you want.
Once you have Gnome installed, you might want to use dpkg --status to
make sure the gnome-accessibility-themes got installed.

> Finally, could someone please elaborate a bit on how theme files work in 
> Gnome? Are there several components that determine the overall look of the 
> OS, umm ment GUI, silly me?
You start out with the defaults from what theme you pick.  At that
point, you can change font settings to improve the look.  Background can
also be changed.  Look at your theme is a base line to work from.  I
believe you can also change icons.  I know my girl friend has customized
most everything in her Gnome session.

The window manager does what it name suggests.  It manages the look and
behavior of your windows.  Metacity is the default window manager for
Gnome 2.  You can use any window manager you want, but metacity provides
accessibility features that aren't in other window managers.  When you
here gnopernicus telling you window information, it is getting it from
metacity.  There is a metacity-themes package, so you might want to
check it out and see if it has something to help with improving your
visual access.

Hope this helps.

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