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Re: New Amiga drivers coming for Linux 4.18


On Sat, 21 Apr 2018, Michael Schmitz wrote:

> > Sorry for my ignorance, but what is a Cyberstorm 060 SCSI, if it's not the
> > Cyberstorm I or II?
> As far as I can see from the old driver code, it's a Cyberstorm I but
> the board ID is the same as is used for the Blizzard 1230 II and
> Fastlane boards.
> I called it Cyberstorm 060 because the Linux board ID macro is named
> Happy to use the correct name for this particular board type, if someone
> can give a definite answer. Is this simply a Cyberstorm I with another
> ID, or something subtly different?

Good question. So I went on The Internet, and found this:

I think the "CyberSCSI" just refers the SCSI add-on of the CyberStorm MkI,
(a.k.a. CyberStorm 040/060). This was used as a marketing name back in the
days, as this page suggest:


(Although this is the MkII variant of CyberSCSI, for the CyberStorm MkII,
but the MkI Amiga-side driver is also called cybscsi.device at least.)

There's a Zorro ID search service here:

It doesn't include everything, but does seem to answer our question.

It seems to me, that these boards in question have multiple Zorro IDs, and
the 8512/11 ID identifies the more-or-less compatible SCSI component or
add-on of several early phase5 boards, including the:

* Fastlane Z3 (where the memory expansion component has the ID 8512/10)
* Blizzard 1230 Mk I/II/III (where the CPU card itself has the ID 8512/13)
* CyberStorm Mk I (where the CPU card itself has the ID 8512/12)

Later boards only seem to have a single Zorro ID, so in case of the
1230/IV, 1240/1260, 2040/2060 and the CyberStorm MkII, the SCSI no longer
has its separate Zorro ID. (I can confirm this for the 1230/IV, 1260 and
2060 case at least, as I own these hardware.)

So I would say the CyberSCSI/CyberStorm060 as a whole just refers to the
CyberStorm MkI with the SCSI add-on in this case. So if you tested the
driver on an MkI, then the "CyberStorm 060 SCSI" was tested.

Anyone please feel free to fix me, if I got it wrong. :) And of course,
thanks for the work on the driver, in either case. :)


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