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Re: Request for build: mpg123.

> > i mean: since there is mpg321 - that is free - why do you need
> > mpg123 ?
> Since there is BSD, that is free, why do you need linux?

because they are completely different. moreover, using debian
terminology, they are *both* "free". instead mpg321 and mpg123 are very
similar, with the difference that the first is free, the second isn't. a
non-free package is useless if there is a free package that does the
same thing. if a non-free package wants to be widespread, it must offer
something that no free package offers.

"When the world is in darkness, four warriors will come..."
 - Final Fantasy I
                                . /\ °
Real Name: Lorenzo Petrone       <* >
Web: digilander.iol.it/lano666    \/ ·

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