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Re: 2.2.15 compiles fails on mac m68k

Excuse my ignorance. I'm not too clear on what you mean by the "kernel." All
I know is that when I try to install the base system on my Mac IIci (68030,
FPU, MMU) using the files from the Potato directory, the screen locks up
right after the Penguin Colors flash on the screen. I never arrive to the
point where it asks me what keyboard I have on my system. The "stable"
installaation files arrive to this point with no hassle. What has changed in
the Potato installation files that is locking up the screen?
"Christian T. Steigies" <cts@debian.org> wrote in message
> On Mon, 19 Jun 2000, Henry Garcia wrote:
> > Potato freezes my system. I use stable.
> What freezes your system, potato or the kernel? If you give a little more
> details, we might be able to fix it before the release (allthough I would
> not bet on that, wrt how deep we are allready in the test cycle).
> And, like with all other Debian/m68k related problems, please mail (and
> subscribe) to debian-68k@lists.debian.org
> Anyway, the other user said he had a running potato and only had problems
> compiling a kernel. He was probably using the wrong source and the error
> message he reported clearly spoke for a missing patch.
> But still I appreciate your effort in helping mac users. Now if you'd
> install potato, this might be even more helpful for fellow mac users.
> Christian

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