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Re: Potato Installation Guide

> > Can we please get the tar.gz format archives into the distribution, as
> > politically-correct alternative? 
> Should be no problem at all, if its of use to somebody. I only refrained
> from doing it, because this means another 9MB of files. We don't need to
> have it on the CDs, would be a waste of space I think. But if somebody made
> the CD scripts not to use these tar files but the allready unpackaged once,
> it would only eat the space on the ftp mirrors, but not on the CDs, right?

If the CDs are too full the cdimage scripts should just leave the stuff
out. We can dump them in a separate directory on the mirror and leave that
whole directory off the CD. Just like the whole m68k-specials.tar.gz only
needs to go on the FTP site not on the CD. 

Any progress on the Mac hybrid HFS/ISO CD image, or other things Mac? 


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