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[Debconf-video] hardware & a meeting


<h01ger> edrz, is 
http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/Videoteam/Hardware#Hardware.2C_we_own correct? 
(=no hardware at Q_ or madduck)

<h01ger> bwh, Yoe, edrz: will you bring (ship) tripods? according to 
http://wiki.debian.org/Teams/DSA/non-DSA-HW we "only" own one

<h01ger> _currently_ i think, IRILL should probably buy cameras+tripods, as we 
have most/all needed audio/video gear. (computers are a different matter). 

other suggestions?

* h01ger [14:52:10] finally updated 

anything else to discuss / keep in mind re: hardware?

And then I think we should have a videoteam irc meeting rather soon. And 
before I set up a doodle poll for 7 dates and 10 hours I would like to ask if 
in general something like weekday, around 18-21 UTC is fine?

And you should totally add yourself to 
http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf11/Videoteam/Help if you havent done so 


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