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Re: [External] DebConf24 to be held in Busan, South Korea

Hello Mark,

I hope this email finds you well.

I'm writing to inquire about any updates on Lenovo's potential sponsorship for DebConf24. Feel free to inform us if further information is needed from our end.



On 28/2/24 03:38, Carl Karsten wrote:
CC: sponsors@debconf.org


On Tue, Feb 27, 2024 at 1:06 PM Mark Pearson <mpearson@lenovo.com> wrote:
Hi Debconf team,

Please do let me know if you have any sponsorship details available for DebConf24.
I hope Lenovo will sponsor again - I will be asking for it. The wheels for getting these things approved can turn slowly, so it's better to get it started earlier if possible. Let me know when  you have any details that I can use to submit a sponsorship request please.


________________________________ From: Antonio Terceiro
Sent: Friday, December 15, 2023 7:19
To: debian-devel-announce@lists.debian.org; debconf-announce@lists.debian.org
Cc: debconf-team@lists.debian.org
Subject: [External] DebConf24 to be held in Busan, South Korea

The DebConf commitee met in a videoconference call today, December 14th, 2023,
with the goal of making a decision regarding the organization of DebConf24.
As you might remember, DebConf24 was originally set to take place in Haifa, Israel,
but that was made impossible by the current state of affairs in the region.
We made a call for replacement bids for DebConf24, and got 4 candidates:

- Busan, South Korea: https://wiki.debian.org/DebConf/24/Bids/Korea
- Aveiro, Portugal: https://wiki.debian.org/DebConf/24/Bids/Portugal
- Birmingham, UK: https://wiki.debian.org/DebConf/24/Bids/Birmingham
- Brest, France: https://wiki.debian.org/DebConf/24/Bids/BrestFR

After discussing pros and cons of each bid individually, the committee
unanimously decided in favor of holding DebConf24 in Busan, South Korea, as
that was the most well-prepared bid. We think we will have a wonderful time
in Busan, and that it will be a great DebConf.

For transparency, you will find at end the full, unedited notes taken during
the meeting.

On behalf of the DebConf committee


DebConf commitee meeting, 2023-12-14, 19:00 UTC
Topic: DebConf24 location decision

* Bids:
   * https://wiki.debian.org/DebConf/24/Bids/Korea
   * https://wiki.debian.org/DebConf/24/Bids/Portugal
   * https://wiki.debian.org/DebConf/24/Bids/Birmingham
   * https://wiki.debian.org/DebConf/24/Bids/BrestFR
* Decision methodology:
   * terceiro: go bid by bid, discuss pros and cons, vote at the end
* Korea
   * pros
     * gwolf: was the bid most advanced by the time we send to call for bids
     * tumbleweed: strong bid, should be safest choice
     * srud: good team
     * tumbleweed: estimated costs for venue and food is pretty low: (60K USD)
     * tumbleweed: venue: everything in the same place
   * cons
     * terceiro: 2 DCs in a row on the same general region of the world
     * gwolf: weird restrictions in student restaurants (no vegan options,
       dining rooms split by gender); we would need to find alternative catering
     * tumbleweed: more large talk rooms would be in another building
     * tumbleweed: Typhoon Season!
* Portugal
   * pros
     * tumbleweed: bernelle has done this before
     * indiebio: strong team
     * nattie: in Western Europe; easy to reach from closest airports
     * terceiro: nice small university town
     * gwolf: stable weather
   * cons
     * several people: missing details in the bid
     * indiebio: would be easier for DC25 due to $reasons
* UK
   * pros
     * gwolf: close to a large center of population of Debian people
     * gwolf: team members have been involved in DebConf people, they know what
       they are doing
     * nattie: English-speaking location
     * in Western Europe(ish)
     * tumbleweed: comercial venue, should be easier for us
   * cons
     * tumbleweed: extra efforts for non-UK citizens, visa-wise
     * indiebio: last minute organization
     * nattie: bidding for the sake of there being an option (stopgap bid)
     * tumbleweed: looks like it's going to be a very expensive DebConf
* France
   * pros
     * indiebio: venue does very good research :)
     * nattie: strong local team with DebConf experience
     * nattie: centrally located in Europe
     * gwolf: interesting, attractive place
   * cons
     * terceiro: last minute bid, too much uncertainty
     * tumbleweed: it seems like at this point we would need negotiation before
       we can ensure enough accomodation
       * alternative would be in the city, then we would need buses
       * nattie: accomodation situation would be much improved in 25 as they are
         doing renovations in 24
     * nattie: not especially quick/easy to reach by public transport
* Decision on DC24
   * Korea is the better prepared bid, so the committee has unanymously decided
     in favor of having DebConf24 in Korea.
* Timeline for DC25 bidding
   * terceiro will draft DC25 call for bids after finishing the announcement of
   * Deadline for bids: January 31
   * Bid discussion meeting: February 7
   * Committee decision meeting: February 14
   * Announcement: ASAP after decision

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