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[Debconf-team] DebConf lists migration to lists.debian.org


the DebConf team is currently preparing another try to migrate the
DebConf specific infrastructure to Debian, DSA supported, solutions.

Along this we would like to migrate the mailing lists

Debconf-announce         Debconf Announcements
Debconf-discuss          Discussions about Debconf
Debconf-sponsors-team    DebConf Sponsors Team List
Debconf-team             Organizer Team
Debconf-video            Video Team

from lists.debconf.org to lists.debian.org (including their mailing list

Is this something you can support?

FYI: We are drafting an email to DSA at
collecting all the migration tasks. The Mailing list one is Task #2.
You can also add feedback there for us to incorporate into the mail to
DSA / DSA tickets we create.
(The internal deadline for that mail draft is 25.09.17 23:59 AoE.)

All the best,

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