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[Debconf-team] Volunteering to join video team on DebConf 2015


I am volunteering to join video team for DebConf 2015.
I also apply for sponsored accommodation and food.

I am part of MiniDebConf 2015 Lyon organisation [1].
I had a "user approach" of DVSwitch system as audio-video volunteer during FOSDEM 2013.
I am willing to learn more on how to get audio-video working DVSwitch and/or gst-switch.
(Just now, I've been told that it may be replaced by gst-switch.)

I have some net-sys-admin and programming skills and I hope to be able to give a hand, if not on code, maybe on bug reports, or at least by only using system during DebConf.

My "dream" would be to be able to share conferences from my LUG [2] (in Grenoble, France) with same audiovideo system as Debian. :)

If it can help my application: I am member of Debian France [3] (and if not, please forget that ^_^).

[1] MiniDebConf 2015 Lyon: <https://wiki.debian.org/DebianEvents/fr/2015/Minidebconf>

[2] Grenoble's LUG: <http://guilde.asso.fr/>

[3] Debian France: <https://france.debian.net/>


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