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Re: [Debconf-team] Budget (hopefully) ready for Thursday's discussion / approval

Thanks for the comments, here are quick answers:

also sprach Philipp Hug <debian@hug.cx> [2015-03-12 17:47 +0100]:
> * Dinner/Lunch participation: The numbers, at least for dinner should be
> more in the 80-90% range as some might decide not to eat or go into the
> city to eat. For C&W,  I'd also assume less than 90%

Yes, we should definitely work on these numbers. I've tried before
to engage the team without much success. For the budget, I wanted to
err on the side of caution, but before we give numbers to the venue,
we should have a good think about this.

> * Conference dinner transport: I'd cancel this in the base case as
> we can walk to the city and personal cars can be used in special
> cases.

Not city, the venue is 4.5km away or so, that's probably too much to
walk. But we could also make do with a few taxis going back and
forth, or 1–2 coaches. Yes, definitely some savings potential here
… in the worst worst case.

> * Video team: unless investment in new equipment is planned, ths
> line item should be reduced to 1k EUR to match DC13 costs
> (networking/power is already covered in the networking line item)

As I said before, neq equipment is not handled as I'd say this would
be done by Debian and should be depreciated over the years.

I think everyone's aware that the video/infra numbers are *way* too
high, including the video/infra people. I've basically just taken
the info from the last years where I could find them and rounded up
very generously. Again, err on the side of caution for the budget
here. Having 10k allocated to video does not mean we must spend it

> * Professional attendees: 30 seems very conservative. We must do
> better do cover our costs. I'd raise this to about 10% of the
> attendees)

Marga has been trying to push this by making the packages more
attractive. And I think we'll go above 30 too.

But again, I chose conservative numbers… better safe than sorry.

> * Incidentals: Reduce to 2k, if we have a large unforeseen
> expense, we should discuss it when it happens.

Why? A buffer position of 5% is pretty standard and if we don't need
it, it goes back to Debian anyway.

If there are unforeseen expenses, the discussion will (must) happen
anyway. But it'll be good not to have to scramble for money then,
but be able to fall back to a buffer.

> * Outreach program: How is the money for diversity program and
> Debian newbies used? Is this travel sponsorship? If yes, we should
> probably move the line item down to travel sponsorship to clarify.

The idea here was to be able to hand out travel+accomodation to
people we want to attend (because they are invited speakers, newbies
or increase diversity) without having to ask them to go through the
sponsorship application process. So it includes travel, but IMHO
it's really a position of its own.

> * Travel sponsorship: I'd prefer if we could initially grant 20k
> for travel sponsorhip (including diversity and newbies travel) and
> only use it for those attendees, who wouldn't book their tickets
> if they'd have to pay themselves. And as soon as we see that we
> can reach our funding goals, we'll go into round 2. David, what do
> you think?

Well, there's more allocated, and if you/David want to spend it in
batches like you say, that's your thing.

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <madduck@debconf.org> @martinkrafft
: :'  :  DebConf orga team
`. `'`
  `-  DebConf15: Heidelberg, Germany: http://debconf15.debconf.org
      DebConf16: Cape Town: https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf16

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