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Re: [Debconf-team] Budget (hopefully) ready for Thursday's discussion / approval

On 11/03/15 at 15:50 +0100, martin f krafft wrote:
> also sprach Lucas Nussbaum <leader@debian.org> [2015-03-11 15:06 +0100]:
> > Maybe, but is that a discussion that we need to have now, or can
> > we have it after the bursaries team will have looked at
> > applications?
> Well, catch-22: for bursaries to be able to make decisions, they
> need an approved budget… at least this is how I know things to work.
> The alternative you are suggesting I'd describe as "raising the
> money once you know how much you want to spend." Both are valid
> approaches, but I'd only call one of them "budgeting" ;)

My understanding of the work of the bursaries was that the outcome was
an ordered list of groups of applicants g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, and that the
consequence was something such as:
- if we want to sponsor only g1, it costs 10 k€
- if we want to sponsor only g1+g2, it costs 20 k€
- if we want to sponsor only g1+g2+g3, it costs 29 k€
I agree that for making the final decision about who will get sponsored,
a travel sponsorship budget is needed. But I don't see why you need to
know the travel sponsorship budget to split requests in groups.

Also, it will then turns the question into e.g. "should we rather
sponsor G4, or have a jukebox?" which seems much easier to discuss.
- Lucas

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