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Re: [Debconf-team] DC15 Budget discussion - Review now - Meeting on Thursday, March 12th - 19:30 UTC

On Mon, Mar 02, 2015 at 10:47:02PM +0100, Margarita Manterola wrote:
> The budget spreadsheet is located at debconf-data/dc15/budget/budget.ods

Two questions:

1. We discussed (and I think there was mostly consensus?) of inviting
LWN to cover DebConf, is that somewhere in the budget?  I could not find
that off-hand, is it the "outreach" position?

2. Did the video team state from where the equipment needs to be
transported from?  This was a big issue for the past years and caused
major fluctuation in the video-team's part of the budget.  For DC13,
transportation was from Paris IIRC, will this be the same again for
DC15?  In that case, the video-team budget might be set too high?


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