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Re: Lacie external drive, growisofs and compatibility with windoze

Well, it seems I found the solution (in any case, thanks for your suggestions, 

It wasn't related neither to growisofs nor to the device (I was using the same 
device to write in linux and read in windows), while it was probably a 
problem with mkisofs. Indeed, I found that "isoinfo -J -l -i /dev/sr0" 
returns strange names for the iso images I burn, e.g., "test.txt____strange 
chars___" instead of just "test.txt". The rockridge directory, instead, is 
correct. This explains why linux can access the volume (it uses RR), while 
windows fails (it uses joliet). 

After discovering this I make the hypothesis it was a charset problem and in 
fact using:

growisofs -dvd-compat -Z /dev/sr0 -R -jcharset utf-8 files...

apparently solved the problem (choosing other charsets, e.g., iso8859-1, 
cp437, cp850, does not work). I also discovered that previous versions of the 
libc6 does not present this behavior (I am currently using "debian unstable", 
i.e., libc6 v. 2.3.2.ds1-10).

Anyone having the same problem? Do you know other, more definitive solutions? 
Other explanations?

Thanks again
On Saturday 15 November 2003 17:42, Andy Polyakov wrote:
> > used growisofs to burn a dvd with such a device but I was not able to
> > read the dvd from windows. It works smootly in linux...
> Does "from windows" also mean "in another unit?" If yes, how do you know
> it's not something wrong with that other unit?
> > ... I can see the content
> > (i.e., dir structure) in windows, but when I try to access it (e.g., copy
> > one file) from windows it complains about a read error.
> Examine dvd+rw-mediainfo output for recorded media. If lead-out position
> and track size are sane (not less than the size of burned filesystem),
> then it might indicate that "Windows" unit failed to calibrate. A.

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