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RFA: rtc.debian.org

Hi.  During a discussion with DSA, we noticed that rtc.debian.org does
not have an active service team maintaining it.
In addition, the reciprocate package, on which it depends, was dropped
from buster.
I think the RC bugs in question have since been fixed but I didn't go
look at all the dependencies.

The default option is to discontinue the service.

First, it would be useful to hear from active users of the service.  At
one level, even if the service is actively used, it won't be continued
without maintainers.  However, understanding who would be hurt by this
would be valuable.

Secondly, if you would be willing to step up and maintain the service
please follow up.  You'd also need to be willing to maintain the
packages involved in coordination with the voip team.



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