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(Daniel added to CC list)

Having done some research, I'm going to cut this argument short and go
straight to the TLS standard:

RFC5246 s7.2.1:

   "The client and the server must share knowledge that the connection is
   ending in order to avoid a truncation attack.


   Either party may initiate a close by sending a close_notify alert.
   Any data received after a closure alert is ignored.

   Unless some other fatal alert has been transmitted, each party is
   required to send a close_notify alert before closing the write side
   of the connection.  The other party MUST respond with a close_notify
   alert of its own and close down the connection immediately,
   discarding any pending writes.  It is not required for the initiator
   of the close to wait for the responding close_notify alert before
   closing the read side of the connection."

The way OUR standard currently reads is incompatible with that.
It requires on NBD_CMD_DISC that the server simply drop the connection.
That requires it breach RFC5246, and in my view that isn't acceptable.
We should require the end terminating the connection shuts the
TLS session down properly as opposed to requiring it to disconnect.

Qemu server side is in breach of RFC5426 precisely because it follows
our standard.

Qemu client side, is *also* in breach of RFC5246 because it's not shutting
down its side of the connection properly. This is caused by two problems.
Firstly, it's not calling gnutls_bye(). I suspect that may be
for fear it might block. Secondly, it's needs to wait until
not only it's internal coroutine write buffer is drained, but also
any internal-to-tls buffer is drained (e.g. containing the close
message if gnutls_bye() does not block); I'm not quite sure how
one does that, and fixing an identical issue with a proprietary
openssl-based proxy took me a good while.

Contrary to what you've said, this isn't 'basic programming'.
It would be basic programming to ensure your output is flushed
properly if you were in control of the buffering and magic
bytes and retries didn't appear from elsewhere. It's hard
to get right. Sufficiently hard that the GnuTLS maintainer
said "A select loop will be complex and I don't know if one
could have a reasonable example." (I've now written one for
him). The choices we are making are making it even harder
to get right. If you want it that way, then fine, I'll give
up arguing. But we should not be making it impossible to get right
by mandating we break a standard.

(Daniel: if you want to replicate the issue, just run qemu-img info
against my gonbdserver with TLS. Every fifth NBD_CMD_DISC doesn't
get through before the TCP session closes).

Alex Bligh

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