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Re: [Nbd] More efficient treatment of experimental protocol extensions

On Thu, Apr 14, 2016 at 01:46:35PM +0100, Alex Bligh wrote:
> I have a proposal for the more efficient treatment of experimental
> protocol extensions. This primarily concerns doc/proto.md, but
> potentially affects code too.
> At present the experimental protocol extensions are described in
> 'experimental extensions' at the bottom of the document in master.
> This causes some issues:
> * The document is longer for those that don't want to read about
>   protocol extensions.
> * The document is more volatile than it might be, as each change
>   to an experimental extension requires a change to proto.md
>   and these carry a high risk of conflict.
> * The body of the document inevitably ends up referring to
>   the experimental extensions, which is a pain, as you only
>   should need to know about the experimental extensions if you
>   implement them.
> * Worst of all, after all the careful wordsmithing of experimental
>   extensions, they then need to be promoted into the main document,
>   (when they cease to be experimental) which requires more wordsmithing.

Yeah, I realize that now.

> My proposal is as follows:
> * Experimental extensions do not appear in proto.md in master at all
>   EXCEPT for reservation of codes (e.g. "NBD_OPT_FOOBAR (42) - reserved
>   for experimental FOOBAR extension").
> * Experimental extensions themselves live in a git branch. This carries
>   the wording of the extension as it would be if it were incorporated
>   in to the main document. Part of the change set removes the
>   above text and says "NBD_OPT_FOOBAR (42) - see FOOBAR" or descibes
>   it in place).
> * The text re NBD_OPT_FOOBAR above has a link in proto.md (in master)
>   to the relevant branch's proto.md, so you can simply click through
>   to find it.
> * Merging (and thus promoting to non-experimental) an extension is
>   as simple as merging the branches.
> * The extension branches could then also contain code to implement
>   the extension on nbd-server.c and nbd-client.c as appropriate.
> * This means the documentation for an experimental feature and the
>   code to implement it can be kept together, and can be merged easily.
>   This should reduce proposed changes to master's proto.md, and
>   it means resolving conflicts is the job of those writing the
>   extension (i.e. they need to effectively rebase their patches
>   on master).

This sounds like a viable approach, except that currently I'm still the
only person able to merge patches, which means I get to be a bottleneck
all the time. Not ideal.

Maybe I should fix that.

Alex: according to github, you've made the second-highest number of
commits to nbd. That, plus your actions on this mailinglist mean you've
been annoying me enough to be punished for it.

Consider yourself a committer ;-)

(I'll also add you to the sourceforge project if you have an account
there and tell me what it is...)

< ron> I mean, the main *practical* problem with C++, is there's like a dozen
       people in the world who think they really understand all of its rules,
       and pretty much all of them are just lying to themselves too.
 -- #debian-devel, OFTC, 2016-02-12

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