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Re: [Nbd] [patch] errors on 3.2 under FreeBSD

Hi list,

On 06-04-13 16:26, Wouter Verhelst wrote:
> The first issue is a case of misunderstanding how things are *supposed*
> to work. Opening one "modern" socket for both IPv4 and IPv6 just happens
> to work on Linux, but that isn't required. If we want to be portable, we
> need to manage *all* results from getaddrinfo(), not just the first.
> I'll look into that today (or maybe tomorrow).

That's done, now. It turned out to be fairly straightforward.

> The second is somewhat uglier. Apparently there's no real standard for
> how getopt() implementations are supposed to handle non-option
> arguments; the way GNU getopt does it, is completely incompatible with
> how FreeBSD getopt does. I had a stab at making it work for both, but
> noticed today that the test suite failed on my laptop -- clearly I was
> mistaken in my attempt. Since GNU getopt is available in a separate
> library, I'll just change the configure script to have it require GNU
> getopt instead. That's the chickening out way, but it has the advantage
> of not requiring too much code changes.

That turned out to be a misunderstanding on my part; I patched things so
that they do work with multiple getopt() implementations instead.

I now have an nbd-server that passes the test suite on both Linux and
FreeBSD. Whee.

With that, I think it's about time we release 3.3. I'll do so in tonight
or tomorrow, unless I hear some objections from someone.

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