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Re: [Nbd] nbd protocol specification?

On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 01:41:34PM +0100, Andreas Klauer wrote:
> Hi,
> I need to implement a block device in user space with my own idea
> of read and write (like a selective copy-on-write layer). The thing 
> would be machine-local, network is not important.
> I'm currently using FUSE + loop for that, but googling I came across 
> a [1]BUSE discussion on LKML which in turn referred to NBD. 
> (never even heard of NBD before... *blush*)
> I experimented a bit with it and it seems like an interesting 
> alternative for me, but to use it, it appears I have to implement 
> the protocol myself since there doesn't seem to be a C library like 
> the one FUSE offers? Or is there one I have missed?

There isn't such a library, indeed. I've been thinking about turning the
server side of NBD into a library and making nbd-server depend on that
off and on for a few years, but it just hasn't happened (yet?)

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