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[Nbd] NBD help

Hello, we are raising to use nbd like NFS substitute. We have a nbd-server whith two clients who acces in the same device. First we mount a client, it modifies the device, and then we unmount it. When we mount the second client, this one has problems accessing the files that has been modified by the first one (Input/Output error). Does NBD allow this kind of operations? (nbd such as samba).

any advice would be appreciated,



|Jordi Inglés Camats              |    Area: ASAC                      |
|mail: jingles@...50...        |    Becari Sistemes i Comunicacions |
|tel: 93 401 62 30 / 670 39 25 72 |    LCFIB                           |
|despatx: B6S104                  |                                    |

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