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Using the system I'm trying to build the end user will not only be able to
read the contents of a floppy as he will also be able to mount the device,
change filesystem type, read and write.

The thing about the NFS option is that it can't export a volume not mounted,
and to do so I would have to use something associating automount+nfs.

What our project really needs is a system based on nbd but much improved,
when I look upon the future I see a dynamical /dev/nbd* estabilishing
conections and shuting down conections as clients boots and shuts down. I see
devices inheriting every single flag from the original block device, and to
the client sistem ( disk, memory and cpu server ) it would seem to be an
original block devices, there could not be a single diference between /dev/fd0 and

I was wondering if we could join efforts to build this dream system and make
it real, I am aware of what it implies, kernel reformulation, maybe protocol
change and much more. All I can say is that I'm down to this to my neck and I
must make it work. Maybe you could be a kind of guide throughout the hole

What are the chances of a new nbd system getting inside the official release
of kernel??

Thanks in advance, and sorry for my english!!

Edson Vinicius Schmitt <evs03 at inf.ufpr.br>
C3SL - www.c3sl.ufpr.br

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