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Re: [Nbd] NBD_CMD_* undeclared in nbd-2.8.0-rc1

Wouter Verhelst writes the following:
>Op vr, 11-02-2005 te 01:51 -0500, schreef Miguel:
>> Why is my /usr/include/linux/ndb.h out of sync with my kernel sources?
>These days, distributors will generally put the linux include files they
>used to compile glibc, in /usr/include. Why Fedora is using 2.4 headers
>to compile glibc is beyond me, but that seems to be what's happening.

There is a package of headers that are supposed to be safe to use in
userspace programs, but also kept up to date with recent kernel interfaces,
so you can get the benefits of the old style
  ln -s /usr/src/linux/include/linux /usr/include/linux
without the drawbacks.

Get it here:


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