[gopher] Re: RFC drafts
when running sftp usually the standard ssh port (22) is used from my
-----Original Message-----
From: gopher-bounce@complete.org [mailto:gopher-bounce@complete.org] On
Behalf Of Alessandro Selli
Sent: Friday, June 16, 2006 3:15 AM
To: gopher@complete.org
Subject: [gopher] Re: RFC drafts
Andrew Mahan wrote:
> or SSH-2? Kinda like SFTP works
My /etc/services file tells me sftp uses port 115 tcp/udp.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: gopher-bounce@complete.org [mailto:gopher-bounce@complete.org] On
> Behalf Of Alessandro Selli
> Sent: Friday, June 02, 2006 11:09 AM
> To: gopher@complete.org
> Subject: [gopher] Re: RFC drafts
> Benn Newman wrote:
>> On Fri, Jun 02, 2006 at 11:21:01AM -0400, Trevor wrote:
>>> this intrigues me.
>>> (sorry i don't look familiar. been lurking the last couple of years.)
>>> one downfall, i feel, with gopher is it is clear text. has anyone
>>> about, besides me, an sGopher protocol? i think gopher would get more
>>> mainstream use if it had security built into it. many companies refuse
>>> use anything that sends clear text over a wire. just a thought.
>> Gopher over SSL/TLS (from my understanding) is easy and already possible.
>> You can use something like stunnel (on the server) and socat (on the
> client)
> I agree. Only, you will have to use a non-standard port where the
> SSL-gopher server
> will listen to, since there is no IANA-assigned "gophers" port like
> there is a "https" port
> (443 tcp).
Alessandro Selli
Tel: 340.839.73.05
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