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If it's installed, consolekit stuff will be positionned at login, and
should be propagated to any desktop run from there. And that's why
90consolekit should _not_ be run, and why the pam module sets a variable
to be sure.

If it's not installed, the console login won't have consolekit stuff,
and if we want a complete desktop experience, we _need_ to use
90consolekit, and so run stuff in /etc/X11/Xsession.d (and still run

The only way to do that (that I know) is to put:
exec startxfce4
in .xsession, and run:

(no .xinitrc, no startx /usr/bin/startxfce4 or anything else).

So, if we document that in README.Debian, everything should work fine
for most user, wether they use a DM (case 1) or not, and have
libpam-ck-connector installed (2a) or not (2b).

But we have a problem with 2a because in some cases which you exposed in
I don't remember which bug, that the ck session on console wasn't
propagated to the desktop session. Could you give (on that bug) a
summary of how to reproduce this?

Cheers, and thanks for working on this issue :)
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