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Re: Updates on the site and a proposal ;)


El dc 29 de 02 de 2012 a les 18:25 +0100, en/na Francesca Ciceri va
> Hi all,
> first of all I'd like to propose a minor change on women.debian.org
> website: as Debian will be also this year part of GSoC program, we'd need
> to provide a link to the way a newcomer can connect to mentors (not GSoC
> mentors, just mentors in the main project in general).
> Ana proposed the link to Debian Women Mentoring project but we'd probably
> need to point out better, in that page, that the program is aimed both for
> women and men. 
> Maybe adding something like "Please note that also men can apply for our
> Mentoring Program!" at the end of "Welcome to the mentoring program!"
> paragraph (the first one).
> What do you think about?

I think it is a good idea. The mentoring program page was created some
time ago in the wiki, but it is not linked:

This page should be linked from wiki DW main page, when the old DW site

BTW, is anybody against Francesca's sentence? If not, I'll add it to
this page.

> Now, browsing my long long long todo list I've found that we kinda agree
> on a migration of women.d.o into the main Debian website (see [1]). 
> Before asking to webmasters about it, I'd like to ask you again about it.
> And, another thing: finally was reached a consensus on the licence for
> www.d.o and since last January new contributions are licenced with MIT or
> GPL-2+ (see [2]). If we decide for the migration, we'll need to relicence
> content of women.d.o under MIT or GPL-2+ licence (now is under GPL-2,
> even if I noted that on the test site created by Tassia the footer says
> GPL-3).
> In that case, I'll just send a mail asking for the relicencement to all
> people who have committed something on women.d.o but before doing it, I'd
> like to know your points of view on this.

I think we should go ahead with the migration :) and maybe reorganize
wiki DW main page.


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