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Come to PyCon 2008 in Chicago

The Python Software Foundation is proud to present PyCon 2008, the 6th
annual Python community conference, being held in Chicago.

PyCon 2008: March 14-16, 2008 
Tutorial day: March 13
Free sprints: March 17-20

Come to PyCon 2008 to:

    * meet interesting people in the Python community
    * learn about cool things others have done recently
    * show off the cool things you've done recently
    * learn about projects, tools & techniques
    * advance open source projects

A sampling of this year's talks:

  * Core Python Containers -- Under the Hood
  * Running a Successful Usergroup
  * Programming for the One Laptop Per Child laptop
  * Python-powered Multitouch
  * Using Optparse, Subprocess, and Doctest To Make Agile Unix Utilities
  * The State of Django
  * High performance Network IO with Python + Libevent

See http://us.pycon.org/2008/conference/talks/ for the full list.

The day before the conference, the tutorial day features 28 different
three-hour tutorials, on topics such as Python 101, scientific
programming, SQLAlchemy, PyGame, and web tools such as Django,
Turbogears, and Plone.


After the conference, we have four days of sprints where project
developers can work together and introduce new developers.  Projects
sprinting this year include the Python interpreter, Jython, Django,
Turbogears, Bazaar, and Orbited.  Sprints are free, and anyone can


If you haven't registered for PyCon yet, now is the time!  The
early-bird registration deadline is this Wednesday, February 20.  
After that, the price for registration will be going up.


The deadline for hotel reservations at the conference rate is also
February 20.  Act now, because the regular rate is higher.


Andrew M. Kuchling
Registration Manager, PyCon 2008

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