Re: Article: How to make a Debian package without using a helper
Em Dom, 2005-01-09 às 02:25 +0100, Miriam Ruiz escreveu:
> I've written an article showing how to make a package
> just using dpkg and dpkg-dev. It shall not be
> undestood as "here's an easy/good way to maintain your
> packages", but as "here is how the insides of debian
> package building works". I don't know if it can be
> useful for anyone, in case it is, I'd be glad.
I'm sure it *is* useful! Understanding how things work behind the scenes
is very important to really understand what you're doing when using the
high-level tools, and enables you to find and fix bugs more easily.
Thanks for that! I'll read the whole thing and send any comments I come
up with soonish =)
-- Gustavo Noronha <>
Debian: <> * <>
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