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Re: Meeting with the Development Team


On Thu, Feb 22, 2024 at 08:40:32AM +0000, Ray Galt wrote:
> I would like to reach out to the decision-maker in the IT
> environment within your company.

I will be surprised if Ray is subscribed and reading this as Ray's
message was basically spam (a cold contact with very little research
behind it).

It may be worth generally noting that the Debian project is not a
company and cannot buy any services itself. Other legal entities
such as SPI inc enter into contracts on behalf of Debian where

And of course, Debian is probably pretty comfortable managing its
own IT functions and anyone who has any ideas about how they can be
improved will be expected to join in — as a volunteer — not pitch a
commercial solution.

> May I present what we can do for you?

Ask not what Debian can buy from you, Ray, but what you can freely
contribute to Debian. 😀


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