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Re: setting IFS to new line doesn't work while searching?

Albretch Mueller (12023-12-15):
> sdir="$(pwd)"
> #fndar=($(IFS=$'\n'; find "$sdir" -type f -printf '%P|%TY-%Tm-%Td
> %TI:%TM|%s\n' | sort --version-sort --reverse))
> #fndar=($(IFS='\n'; find "$sdir" -type f -printf '%P|%TY-%Tm-%Td
> %TI:%TM|%s\n' | sort --version-sort --reverse))
> fndar=($(find "$sdir" -type f -printf '%P|%TY-%Tm-%Td %TI:%TM|%s\n' |
> sort --version-sort --reverse))
> fndarl=${#fndar[@]}
> echo "// __ \$fndarl: |${fndarl}|${fndar[0]}"
> the array construct ($( ... )) is using the space (between the date
> and the time) also to split array elements, but file names and paths
> may contain spaces, so ($( ... )) should have a way to reset its
> parsing metadata, or, do you know of any other way to get each whole
> -printf ... line out of find as part of array elements?

You set IFS in the subshell, but the subshell is doing nothing related
to IFS, it is just calling find and sort. You need to set IFS on the
shell that does the splitting.

Also, note that file names can also contain newlines in general. The
only robust delimiter is the NUL character.

Also, ditch batch. For simple scripts, do standard shell. For complex
scripts and interactive use, zsh rulz:


(I do not think zsh can sort version numbers easily, though.)


  Nicolas George

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