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Re: How to install the kernel 5.4.14 (source and headers) packages on Debian buster.

On Fri, Sep 01, 2023 at 01:16:31PM +0200, Mario Marietto wrote:
> Hello to everyone.
> I've just installed Debian Buster on my ARM Chromebook,using this image :
> https://github.com/hexdump0815/imagebuilder/releases?page=12
> He says that the image is based on the kernel 5.4 and it is. Infact the
> default running kernel is 5.4.14. But for the project that I'm working on,I
> also need to install the linux source and the headers packages for the same
> kernel (5.4.14),but unfortunately,between the packages I only see versions
> 4.19 and 5.10. Is there a method to install the sources and headers
> packages also for the kernel 5.4.14 ?

You're out of luck - Debian doesn't offer 5.4 but does offer 5.10 - and
what you've got is not from Debian.

You might be able to install debootstrap and current kernel sources
and build your own. I'd suggest starting from Debian 12 to build a
current image. 

In the interim, you need to ask the person who provided that image
where the source and headers are.

> The point is that for the project that I'm working on (using qemu 5.1 +
> enabling kvm + kernel 5.4 + libvirt on my ARM chromebook) I need the kvm.h
> header,that's provided by the linux-headers (5.4.14) package. I can't use a
> version of qemu greater than 5.1 and a version of the kernel greater than
> 5.4. That's the reason why I'm asking this question.

Go and ask, maybe - we can't really help.

PS: Thanks very much for clear formatting of this message which is much
easier to read than some of your prior messages.

> Thanks very much.
> -- 
> Mario.

With every good wish, as ever,

Andy Cater

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