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Re: `aptitude update' won't update

On Sat, Sep 25, 2021 at 09:08:55AM +0000, Rodolfo Medina wrote:
> Please help with this:

Andrew already covered some or most of this, but I think it bears

> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> deb http://ftp.uk.debian.org/debian/ stable main
> deb-src http://ftp.uk.debian.org/debian/ stable main
> # non-free
> deb http://ftp.debian.org/debian/ stable main contrib non-free
> #deb http://repository.spotify.com stable non-free
> #deb [arch=amd64] https://repo.skype.com/deb stable main
> ----------------------------------------------------------------

You should NEVER use the word "stable" (or "oldstable") in your
sources.list.  If you do this, you are quite likely to be caught by
surprise when a new release happens.

You should always use the actual release name that you're following,
such as "buster" or "bullseye".

When you're ready to upgrade to a newer stable release, you can read
through the release notes, and take the time to perform the upgrade

> # aptitude update
> Hit http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb stable InRelease
> Get: 1 http://ftp.debian.org/debian stable InRelease [113 kB]
> Get: 2 http://ftp.uk.debian.org/debian stable InRelease [113 kB]
> E: Repository 'http://ftp.debian.org/debian stable InRelease' changed its
> 'Codename' value from 'buster' to 'bullseye'
> E: Repository 'http://ftp.uk.debian.org/debian stable InRelease' changed its
> 'Codename' value from 'buster' to 'bullseye'
> E: Failed to download some files
> W: Failed to fetch http://ftp.uk.debian.org/debian/dists/stable/InRelease: 
> W: Failed to fetch http://ftp.debian.org/debian/dists/stable/InRelease: 
> E: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones
> used instead.

The good news here is that, while the new release has caught you by
surprise, no actual damage has been done yet.  It aborted early in the
process, before any new packages had been installed.

At this point, assuming you've done nothing but post to this mailing list,
you are still running buster (Debian 10).  You still have the chance to
make a choice.  You can either remain on buster for a little while
longer, or you can upgrade to bullseye (Debian 11).

If you want to remain on buster, simply change all the occurrences of
"stable" to "buster" in your sources.list (which is how it should have
been in the first place).  Then do an "apt update", and you should be
good to go.

If you want to upgrade to bullseye, read the bullseye release notes
<https://www.debian.org/releases/bullseye/releasenotes> and follow
the instructions in them.

As a matter of fact, one of the steps in the upgrade process will be
making sure you're up to date on buster first, so in *both* situations,
you will need to change your sources.list to point to "buster" before
doing anything else.

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