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Re: Find out host of IP

[quote]The best thing you can do is to disable password logins altogether.  Using public keys is much more secure and makes it *impossible* for a dictionary attack to succeed.[/quote]

If someone can get my 40+ character password which includes symbols, numbers, letters, lowercase, and uppercase... I'm impressed and deserve to be rooted :)

It's really not hard to remember complex passwords as long as you make them sane, the only real risk you have is a key logger.

Start with something easy for you to remember, say the digits on the first address you remember as a child, add in a phrase with capitalization that isn't normal, replace some characters with symbols, toss something in hostname specific, and tag some bonus characters on the end for posterity.  Hell even using a phrase specific to you would be fine as long as its not a quote or something.


I tend to put reminders to myself on the end of my passwords to... keeps me from forgetting when to change it next.


The thing ot watch is not use things that can be run from a dictionary... like quotes for instance, when doing a security audit I added a few quotes i had heard used around the company by management and companynamesucks and such and picked up about 4-5% more passwords with small variations... 1companysucks2 etc.  For a similar reason chemical compositions are bad... even though the resultant password LOOKS good... C8H10N4O2 looks pretty secure... but isn't at all.

Personally, I prefer passwords to keys, although with enough computer power all passwords are breakable through brute force given enough time... with a very long complex password using a variety of caps, symbols, numbers, et all... it can be realistically infeasible though.

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