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RE: What is stormix

Michalowski Thierry <Thierry.Michalowski@edipresse.ch> wrote:
> Can somebody explain why Stormix only includes 1 CD for download
> whereas
> potato is a 3 CDs set?
> Isn't there something useful in the last 2 CDs that I would like to
> install?
> Just wondering before trying...

Depends. The one-CD Storm distribution installs a system without loads
of extra apps. Personally I much prefer this as I can add any apps I
need from the 'net using apt-get. I really hate the SuSE approach of
including the kitchen sink on 5 CDs because so many of the apps are
available in updated form elsewhere. Once I have installed a distro I
never use the CD to install anything else.

If you install the Storm CD you will end up with a nice installation,
including KDE and/or Gnome, Netscape etc. etc.. 

Phillip Deackes
Using Storm Linux

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