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Re: Bash can't find, PS1 and HISTSIZE

On 18/11/99 ktb wrote:

case $TERM in
        PS1 ="\[\033]0;\u@\h: \w\007\]\w\$ "
        PS1 ="\w\$ "


I get the following error when I open an xterm,

bash: PS1: command not found
bash: HISTSIZE: command not found

I don't understand this.  Both commands worked in my last Slink system.
I checked the list archives and didn't find anything.  Anyone know how
to fix this?

yes try deleting the spaces after PS1 and HISTSIZE.

try this:
case $TERM in
         export PS1="\[\033]0;\u@\h: \w\007\]\w\$ "
         export PS1="\w\$ "

export HISTSIZE=1000

you should be able to export them all at once by adding a line:

export PS1 HISTSIZE to the bottom of the .bashrc instead of exporting each one individually, but it really does not matter which way you export them just so you do.

Best Regards,
Ethan Benson
To obtain my PGP key: http://www.alaska.net/~erbenson/pgp/

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