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Re: Trouble with new user

Quoting J Horacio MG (homega@vlc.servicom.es):
> In an attempt to create a new user, with useradd command, the new user's
> home directory was created, and so was the line in /etc/passwd:
> usermaria:x:1001:100::/home/usermaria:/bin/bash
> But if I try to log in as such user:
> login: usermaria
> Password: xxxxxxx
> Login incorrect
> What may I have done wrong?

Perhaps you typed the wrong password? Try setting the password again
from root with passwd -u and then have another go. Case of letters
is significant.

BTW, adduser is easier, I find, than useradd.

> Also, strangely, I have a file in the /etc directory named góoup-.  This
> file I believe it's a copy of the file group, see:
> 1 -rw-r--r--   1 root     root          567 jul 14 18:50 group
> 1 -rw-------   1 root     root          560 jul 14 18:49 group-
> 1 -rw-------   1 root     root          504 may 21 11:36 góoup-
> The new user doesn't show in the group file (it should, at least in its
> own group, right?).

Check man useradd and the switches you used. Then use adduser?
I don't know about the oddly named file.


Email:  d.wright@open.ac.uk   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
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