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RE: how to boot from other disk?

DOS and Windows (up through Win95 at least) can't be
booted from anything other than the first disk. There
are ways to fake an OS that only uses the BIOS (DOS)
into thinking the second drive is the first one.
(LILO's map-drive option can do this.) I'm fairly sure
this won't work for Win95 though.

Fortunately Linux doesn't mind being on the second
disk. LILO when installed as MBR can boot Linux
from the second disk (even from a logical partition).

Tony Richardson

 -----Original Message-----
From: Adam.Sztuka [SMTP:Adam.Sztuka@stoen.waw.pl]
Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 1998 8:45 AM
To: debian-user
Subject: how to boot from other disk?


Is that possible to boot Linux or Win from other disk then hda ?
I have one disk with Debian 1.3.1 and another with Win95.
Can I setup LILO to choose option "windows" to boot from hdb1 ?
Is this depends from BIOS?

Adam Sztuka

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