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Re: Linux on top of win95

tmalloy@escape.com, tmalloy@escape.com on 2/17/98 7:47 PM

>I know Linux can be installed ontop of a dos partition.  Can it be
>installed on top  of Win 95 or NT. I need to know this because although I
>run linux at home my office is NT and 95.  I would like to be able to boot
>to linux in the office in order to work on some of my personal projects
>when I have free time at lunch or after work.  How safe is this way of
>running Debian?  Is there any chance of it damaging either my office
>computer or the network.  (The network is currently 2 base t, but will be
>upgraded to 10 base t)  My boss absolutely refuses to  allow me run linux
>as a normal part of the network.  Lets be frank, I want to run linux
>during lunch and after work. But I do not want to lose my job. Can I do
>it? How?  Thank You

If you set up LILO when you install it, and then tell LILO how to find 
the Windows partition, you can easily do a dual boot. Superior to doing 
UMS partitions.
An example lilo.conf file is at 

Asher Haig     ahaig@iglobal.net

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