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X(init?) problems post-hamm installed. (Using Accelx, although seems irrelevant)

I have Laptop-Accelx that I'm running on a Dell p166 with a neomagic 
128ZV video card. I'm having the problem where when I run startx it 
beings to load and immediately quits. It doesn't seem as if it's 
quitting, rather than exiting as if it were killed -- there are no errors 
generated. When I just run accelx directly it works fine (ie loads the 
server etc. and sits on the blank screen with a default grid background). 
It appears that the problem is in xinit, as when I simply run "xinit" it 
does the exact same thing.

The problem began after hamm upgrade. As far as I can see, I've upgraded 
all necessary packages. I assume xinit would be in xbase....

Anyone had any experience with this and might know what's wrong?

Asher Haig     ahaig@iglobal.net

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