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Re: ideas about moving Debian to another hard drive

> It seems really impractical to try to "copy" the data from one
> disk to another (correct me if I am wrong, please) because symlinks
> tend to get lost or messed up.
> It seems really impractical to try to "copy" the data from one
> disk to another (correct me if I am wrong, please) because symlinks
> tend to get lost or messed up.
> Seems to me the most direct way to move the system is make new boot
> disks, install a base system from my old CD (1.1), upgrade in place
> to 1.2 using ftp, and then restore my favorite configuration files.
> Anyone have a better idea?

I just moved a partition.  I think I got the recipe from Matt Welsh's
	remove /proc from /etc/fstab and reboot
	mkdir /t
	mount /dev/newpartition /t
	(cd / && tar lcf - .)|(cd /t && tar xvpf -)


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